03 agosto 2015 | Proyectos Internacionales

Vacantes para el seminario internacional SustainABILITY sustainable management of selforganised youth collectives


Empezamos Septiembre con fuerza y nuevos projectos. Entre ellos os presentamos este seminario internacional, del que somos socios,  que pretende ser un espacio de encuentro donde explorar los retos a los que se enfrentan las organizaciones y projectos auto-organizados. Para este seminario estamos buscando cuatro participantes de diferentes colectivos y proyectos que tengan interés en compartir sus experiencias y reflexionar sobre conceptos como sostenibilidad, participación, inclusión, dinámicas de grupo, etc…

Os dejamos más información del curso y qué hacer para participar.

SustainABILIY: sustainable management of selforganised youth collectives”

Brandenburg, Germany

22 – 30 November, 2015 

Background of the project

The idea to organise a training course came from the need of sharing the common urge to look for places where the daily meaning of activities is visible, the work is more than an a forced activity, the organisation’s work is coherent with its values, there is a place for own reflection, feedback and ideas, the decisions are transparent and collective, everyone can affiliate with the goals of the organisation.

As there was not such a place for us in the established structures, thougth Kulturlabor Trial&Error decided to explore how the terms „work“ and „money“ correlates in our society, what place in the so called job market the young people have, how to reach a sustainable impact, respect the environment and people around as well as how to work in a horizontal and inclusive structure, giving each team member an equal chance to become an initiator, what kind of tools are to maintain an organization effectively and sustain it both financially and resources-wise.

Training course objectives:

  • to reflect on organisational structures, working methods and to exchange experience with likeminded people through sharing the knowledge of self-organisation
  • to experiment ways of managing a collective, including such topics as decision making process, coherence of values, leadership styles, team dynamics to activate a entrepreneurial spirit
  • to integrate methods from the field of creative activism in the training process and stimulate creativity
  • to evaluate organisation’s working approaches towards dealing with target groups/community, reconsider internal and external values and learn about ways to sustainably develop a collective.


25 participants from Germany, Spain, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia and Finland.

All participants selected for this project should meet the following criteria:

1. Member of an already established youth collective, which aimed to work with/for community urban or rural) and strive for emancipation of those communities in socio-political, ecological or entrepreneurial domains, or in process of founding one.

2. To understand and affiliate non-formal, horizontally organised, independent, locally integrated youth work

3. Highly motivated to learn and share about issues tackled in the training course.

4. Are available for the whole duration of the training and is be able to understand and communicate in English.

Financial and practical conditions

Food and accommodation during the training course will be fully covered ( food during the project will be mainly vegan).

Travel costs of international participants will be cover based on the actual expenses up to 275Euro/person.

Application procedure

Application form is attached here. Please send the application form as a mail attachment to until 15 of September 2015 to mariiaservetnyk@gmail.com and mery.pfdez@gmail.com

Applicants will be informed about their acceptance within 2 weeks.

If you have any questions regarding the project and your application, don’t hesitate to contact us.

otras entradas

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